The blood smear should occupy the central portion of the slide. For this lab, we will use the manual. Blood Smear Preparation and Staining Report Form for. Anaplasmosis, formerly known as gall sickness, traditionally refers to a disease of ruminants caused by obligate intraerythrocytic bacteria of the order Rickettsiales. 05 peripheral blood smear examination 1. Peripheral blood smear examination Dr Hemang Mendpara DNB pediatrics Choithram Hospital & Research Centre Indore. Also known as: Peripheral Smear; Blood Film; Manual Differential; Differential Slide; Red Blood Cell Morphology; Erythrocyte Morphology; Leukocyte Differential.
MANUAL DIFFERENTIAL, SMEAR REVIEW | Student Health Center Manuals. Prepare two thin films of blood at conclusion of venipuncture or from EDTA tube. Label slide in pencil with patient's full name and date. Allow slides to adequately air dry.
Dip slide in stain for 1. Dip slide in distilled water for 2. Perform smear review or differential of white blood cells: Observe slide under low dry for overall impression and general appearance of blood cells. Check for even distribution of white blood cells and correct staining of cells. Observe slide under high dry lens after smearing oil droplet over length of slide. Estimate wbc count by noting number of white cells per high power field X 1. This number should agree with automated results. lf there is a large discrepancy between the two numbers, the white count should be repeated.
For smear review, scan at least 1. Immature granulocytes, dysplastic granulocytes, abnormal granulocytes (toxic granulation, dohle bodies, hypersegmentation, pelger- huet anomaly), atypical lymphs, immature lymphs, immature monocytes, abnormal platelets, blood parasites. Semiquantitate abnormal cells accordingly: 0- 2 per high dry field = Few. Moderate> 6 per high dry field = Many. If it is estimated that there is > 5% immature granulocytes then a manual differential should be performed.
Peripheral Smear Using Leishman Stain 1. Peripheral smear 2. Preparations • Specimen-direct capillary blood or anticoagulated blood • Apparatus-clean. Principle: The manual differential white blood cell count is performed to determine the relative number of each type of white blood cell present in the blood. The blood smear is primarily ordered to evaluate blood cells when a CBC with differential, performed with an automated blood cell counter, indicates the presence of. Transmission. Hemoplasmas may be transmitted by transfer of infected blood (blood transfusion or use of contaminated needles, surgical instruments, herd or flock. The following list includes the staining methods used on the slides in the loan collection. It gives a brief sketch of their selectivity, mode of action, and procedure. Blood Smear at 400x. In general, performing and viewing a b lood smear for microscopy analysis is usually warranted when the hematology analyz ers employed in.
If it is estimated that there is > 1. For manual differential count at least 1. LIS keyboard. Alternatively, differential may be done under oil immersion lens.(Note: If greater than 5 % n. RBCs the WBC count from the instrument will have to be corrected as follows: Corrected WBC = obtained nucleated cell count x (1. RBC + 1. 00]) . Refer to "Clinical Hematology Atlas" (see references) for guidance and illustrations of abnormal WBC morphology. Stain quality: For slide review and manual diff answer the question in the line "Stain Quality Acceptable?" using the pull down choice list. Answer "Yes" if stained cells appear according to the following: Erythrocytes: pink to red- orange biconcave discoid forms (usually)Lymphocytes: dark violet nucleus with medium blue cytoplasm.
Monocytes: lobated nucleus, medium purple with light blue cytoplasm. Neutrophils; dark blue to purple nucleus (3 or more lobes), pale pink to almost colorless cytoplasm, red to lavender small granules. Eosinophils bright red or reddish orange granules in pale pink cytoplasm, blue to blue- purple nucleus (multilobed)Basophils: deep purple and violet black granules in pale blue or neutral cytoplasm, dark blue to purple nucleus (often bilobed)Platelets: clearly demarcated blue violet - purple granules in light blue cytoplasm. Perform a platelet estimate: The estimate is made by counting the average number of platelets seen per 1. This number multiplied by 1. L. This value would then be compared to the reference interval for the sample in question. For the estimate, an actual count is not provided but platelets are designated into specific categories: Increased - the platelet count is estimated to be above the reference interval.
Adequate - the platelet count is estimated to be within the reference interval. Decreased - the platelet count is estimated to be below the reference interval. Perform RBC morphology evaluation: Whenever possible, a red blood cell abnormality should be described in as much detail as possible. For example, when poikilocytosis is present, the type(s) of irregularly shaped cells should be noted; also anisocytosis, the amount of variation in the size of the red blood cells should be noted. The generally accepted methods of reporting red blood cell irregularities include commenting on the degree of variability present (Slight,moderate,marked). Regardless of the method chosen, it should be used consistently. The reporting of red blood cell morphology varies widely between technologists. It is, therefore, helpful for each laboratory to have a uniform grading system. Also, the significance of different types of abnormal morphology will vary, and therefore, the degree of grading may depend on the abnormality present. In addition it is important to select the proper area of the smear when determining morphology. The recommended areas on wedge smears are those fields in which some red blood cells begin to overlap. Refer to "Clinical Hematology Atlas" (see references) for guidance and illustrations of abnormal RBC morphology.
Grading will be performed according to the following: Polychromatophilia, Helmet Cells, Tear drop RBC, Acanthocytes, Schistocytes, Spherocytes, Poikilocytosis, Ovalocytes, Elliptocytes, Burr Cells, Target Cells, Stomatocytes, Basophilic Stippling, Pappenheimer bodies, Howell Jolly bodies: 0- 2 cells per high dry field = Slight 3- 6 cells per high dry field = Moderate > 6 cells per high dry field = Marked Rouleaux Slight = aggregates of 3 to 4 RBCModerate = aggregates of 5 to 1. RBCMarked = numerous aggregates.