Building Information Modeling (BIM) Interoperability Issues in Light of Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Research. Report.
Building. Information Modeling (BIM)Interoperability. Issuesin Light of Interdisciplinary Collaboration.
Voytek Pniewski MSc AIALondon, United Kingdom. Building Information Modeling (BIM)Interoperability Issues in Light of Interdisciplinary Collaborationby Voytek Pniewski, MSc AIAwith contributions from Phil Molyneux, Faculty of Business and Law, Kingston University London UKPublished by. Collaborative Modeling Ltd. Third Edition, 2. Copyright ©. 2. 01. Collaborative Modeling Ltd. Abstract.
The AEC (Architecture. Engineering, Construction) industry and the related processes employed during. With the complex.
AEC projects today, these processes engage multiple organisations. In order to effectively support the use of information, organisations. This study has. investigated current state of interoperability between software applications. BIM (Building Information Modeling) in conjunction with collaborative. AEC industry. Key. BIM models, IFC (Industry.
Foundation Classes). It has been recognised that methods and tools for. IPD (Integrated Project Delivery). The methodology to investigate the research.
Research Report involved digital model prototyping and testing in. It has utilised fifteen different. Google. Sketch. Up to the state- of- the- art CATIA V5 solution by Gehry Technologies: Digital.
MimetypeMETA-INF/container.xml1.0 urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container ops/9781464804847.opf application/oebps-package+xml ops/9781464804847.opfops/fonts. Mark Robertson is Director of Communications and Stakeholder Relations at ICTI CARE and has been with the organization since August 2015. Mark is responsible for the. John H. Peters MA. Geography Environmental Assessment, Risk Assessment and Nuclear. John has been working in Environmental Assessment and related technical. Stakeholder Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in Emerging Markets.
Project. Over fifty digital models have been produced and incorporated in the. The work has. adopted a problem- solving approach by analysing the implications for standards in the AEC area. BIM. a hybrid professional with a solid architectural. Business Information. Technology formal education and experience. He is a Registered Architect, professionally affiliated with the American Institute of Architects. He is a leader and a promoter of.
Architecture Engineering, Construction (AEC) technology, including Internet. BIM (Building Information Modeling). AEC software applications, and IPD (Integrated Project. Delivery) approach. During this time he has gained vast range of knowledge in.
USA, the Virgin Islands, Poland and the UK. He has worked with. He has been. involved in all stages of projects, from early stage development /. Through travel and projects located in. Contents. Abstract. About. the Author. Table. of Contents. List. of Figures.
List. of Tables. 1. Chapter. 1: Introduction.

In contrast to individual effort in completing the design tasks, as seen in traditional manual process of project delivery, the stakeholders in this research have. Corporate governance broadly refers to the mechanisms, processes and relations by which corporations are controlled and directed. [1] Governance structures and. IFC Corporate Governance Group. The Group brings together staff from investment support and advisory operations into a single, global team. This unified team advises. 6 ENGAGING STAKEHOLDERS ON CHILDREN’S RIGHTS Stakeholder engagement under the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights As defined in the United Nations.
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 158 (Monday, August 17, 2015)] [Rules and Regulations] [Pages 49325-49843] From the Federal Register Online via the. Environmental and Social Mitigation Measures: IFC’s appraisal considered the environmental and social management planning process and documentation for the project.
Introduction. 1. 11. Research Context. Chapter. 2: Review of Previous Work. Theoretical Background. Literature Review. IFC and Link to XML.
Conclusions. 3. 8Chapter. Aims and Research Questions.
Introduction. 4. 13. Research Questions. Research Limitations.
Hypotheses. 4. 53. Conclusions. 4. 6Chapter. Methods of Investigation.
Introduction / General Approach. Collecting Data. 5. Conclusions. 5. 4Chapter.
Testing, Discussion, and Findings. Introduction: Unfolding Interoperability Issues. Setting Criteria and Commencing Tests. Assembling and Testing Interdisciplinary Model. Other Interoperability Issues. Conclusions. 1. 05. Chapter. 6: Conclusions.
Introduction. 1. 11. For the Future. 1.
Conclusions. 1. 13. Glossary. and Definitions.
References. 1. 18. Appendices. 1. 24. Appendix. 1 - Supporting Documents. Appendix. 2 - Bibliography. Main Text. Figure.
Factors influencing the use of BIM (Young et al., 2. Figure. 2: IFC Object Model Architecture Diagram (building. SMART, 2. 00. 9a).
Figure. 3: Generation of XML file from CAD or IFC file (Qizhen et al., 2. Figure. 4: Start- Up Model (native Archi. CAD 3. D model plan view opened in Archi. CAD) with. 2. D overlay 5.
Figure. 5: Start- Up Model of an apartment - native Archi. CAD file opened Archi. CAD. 5. 2Figure. 6: Start- Up Model in a context of the city block (native Archi. CAD 3. D model. opened in Archi. CAD) 5. 2Figure.
Sample model server - Secom IFC Model Server architecture (Adachi, 2. Figure. 8: Collaborative data exchange scenario by interdisciplinary team (refer to. Table 1 for abbreviations) 5. Figure. 9: Interdisciplinary collaboration workflow process map (Weise et al., no year). Figure. 1. 0: Start- Up Model IFC file opened with IFC File Analyzer (partial). Figure. 1. 1: IFC Start- Up Model opened in Solibri Model Viewer. Figure. 1. 2: IFC Start- Up Model opened in DDS- CAD Viewer.
Figure. 1. 3: IFC Start- Up Model opened in Nemetschek IFC Viewer. Figure. 1. 4: IFC Start- Up Model opened in IFC Engine Viewer. Figure. 1. 5: IFC Start- Up Model opened in Archi. CAD. 7. 0Figure. 1.
IFC Start- Up Model opened in Digital Project. Figure. 1. 7: IFC Start- Up Model opened in Vectorworks. Figure. 1. 8: IFC Start- Up Model opened in Micro. Station. 7. 4Figure. IFC Start- Up Model opened in Revit.
Figure. 2. 0: IFC Start- Up Model opened in Constructor. Figure. 2. 1: IFC Start- Up Model opened in Sketch. Up. 7. 9Figure. 2. Architects- Detail Design model, Design Development, Digital Project - . CATProduct file 8.
Figure. 2. 3: Architects- Detail Design model, Design Development, Digital Project - IFC. Architects- Detail Design model, Digital Project - separate IFC files for. Figure. 2. 5: Envelope Designers model, Envelope Design, Vectorworks - IFC file. Figure. 2. 6: Civil and Structural Engineers model, Structural Engineering, Micro. Station. - IFC file.
Figure. 2. 7: Building Services Engineers model, Mechanical & Plumbing, Revit - IFC. Specialist IFC models from interdisciplinary team before the assembly. Figure. 2. 9: Fully assembled interdisciplinary IFC 3. D model. 90. Figure.
XML file generated from 3. D model with data direct extraction approach. Figure. 3. 1: Saving Archi.
CAD file in IFC2x. Figure. 3. 2: Archi. CAD IFC2x Units settings. Figure. 3. 3: Archi. CAD IFC2x 'Export' settings with '2. D Elements' option selected. Figure. 3. 4: Arch.
CAD IFC2x 'Export' settings with '2. D Elements' option unselected.
Figure. 3. 5: Archi. CAD IFC2x Custom Pset settings. Figure. 3. 6: Archi.
CAD IFC2x Exterior settings. Figure. 3. 7: Archi. CAD IFC2x Person and Organization settings. Figure. 3. 8: Archi. CAD IFC2x Miscellaneous settings. Figure. 3. 9: Native Archi. CAD model, 2. D view opened in Archi.
CAD. 1. 29. Figure. IFC file errors (with '2. D Elements' option selected) in DDS- CAD Viewer. Figure. 4. 1: Start- Up Model - IFC file (with 2. D Elements option unselected) 2. D view. opened in DDS- CAD Viewer 1.
Figure. 4. 2: Start- Up Model - IFC file (with 2. D Elements option selected) 2. D view. opened in Nemetschek IFC Viewer 1. Figure. 4. 3: Start- Up Model - IFC file (with 2. D Elements option unselected) 2. D view. opened in Nemetschek IFC Viewer 1.
Figure. 4. 4: Start- Up Model - IFC file (with 2. D Elements option unselected) 2. D view. opened in Archi. CAD 1. 35. Figure. Start- Up Model - IFC file (with 2. D Elements option selected) 2. D view. opened in Archi.
CAD 1. 36. Figure. Error messages while retrieving Start- Up Model IFC file (with 2. D Elements. option selected) 2. D view opened in Bentley Microstation Structural Modeler. Figure. 4. 7: Start- Up Model - IFC file (with 2. D Elements option selected) 2. D view. opened in Bentley Microstation Structural Modeler.
Figure. 4. 8: Start- Up Model - IFC file (with 2. D Elements option unselected) 2. D view. opened in Bentley Microstation Structural Modeler. Figure. 4. 9: Autodesk Revit MEP error and warnings message. Figure. 5. 0: Warnings posted prior to opening the model in Autodesk Revit MEP. Figure. 5. 1: Start- Up Model - IFC file (with 2.
D Elements option unselected) 2. D view opened. in Autodesk Revit MEP 1. Figure. 5. 2: Start- Up Model - IFC file (identical with 2. D Elements option selected and. D view opened in Vectorworks with Service Pack 4. Figure. 5. 3: Start- Up Model - IFC file (with 2.
D Elements option selected) 2. D view. opened in Constructor 1. Figure. 5. 4: Start- Up Model - IFC file (with 2. D Elements option unselected) 2. D view. opened in Constructor 1. Figure. 5. 5: Start- Up Model: IFC file (with 2. D Elements option selected or unselected).
D view opened in Sketch. Up 1. 45. Figure. IFC File Analyzer, Start- Up Model - Summary sheet.
Figure. 5. 7: IFC File Analyzer, Start- Up Model - Header sheet. Figure. 5. 8: IFC File Analyzer, Start- Up Model - Ifc. Column sheet. 1. 48. Figure. 5. 9: IFC File Analyzer, Start- Up Model - Ifc. Slab sheet. 1. 49. Figure. 6. 0: File Analyzer, Start- Up Model - Ifc.
Wall sheet (part 1 of 4). Figure. 6. 1: File Analyzer, Start- Up Model - Ifc.
Wall sheet (part 2 of 4). Figure. 6. 2: File Analyzer, Start- Up Model - Ifc. Wall sheet (part 3 of 4).
Figure. 6. 3: File Analyzer, Start- Up Model - Ifc. Wall sheet (part 4 of 4). Figure. 6. 4: File Analyzer, Start- Up Model - Ifc. Wall. Type sheet. Figure. 6. 5: Archi.
CAD IFC2x Export settings with Extended Properties selected. Figure. 6. 6: Architects start- up IFC model plan opened in Archi. CAD with Extended. Properties option selected 1. Figure. 6. 7: Architects start- up IFC model opened in Archi. CAD with Extended. Properties option selected 1.
Figure. 6. 8: Start- Up IFC model opened in Constructor. Figure. 6. 9: Start- Up IFC model opened in Constructor - details. Figure. 7. 0: Start- Up IFC model opened in (1) Archi.
CAD and (2) Constructor and as. Figure. 7. 1: Start- up IFC model opened in (1) Archi. CAD and (2) Constructor and as a. Figure. 7. 2: Start- up IFC model opened in Sketch.
Up with IFC2. SKP plug- in. Figure. 7. 3: IFC File Analyzer: Generating spreadsheet from Start- Up Model IFC file. Figure. 7. 4: IFC File Analyzer: Excel spreadsheet generated from Start- Up Model IFC file. Figure. 7. 5: File Analyzer: Excel spreadsheet listing objects with a non- standard. Ifc. Property. Set.
Figure. 7. 6: Sketch. Up IFC Psets of Start- Up Model. Figure. 7. 7: Start- Up Model IFC file open in Oxygen XML - one of eight instances of non- standard. Ifc. Distribution. Flow. Element Pset.
Figure. 7. 8: Start- Up Model IFC file open in Oxygen XML - one of eight instances of non- standard. Ifc. Distribution. Flow. Element Pset replaced with standard Ifc. Furnishing. Element1. Figure. 7. 9: Sketch.
Up IFC Pset of Start- Up Model revised.