. ASPECT script language reference manual.. Upgrading scripts from PROCOMM PLUS 1.x --Common ASPECT questions --Advanced ASPECT examples --Appendices. You'll find basic information on ASPECT and how to apply it in your user manual. Instead, this reference provides the ASPECT. ProComm Plus: ASPECT Script Language.
- . test' will launch Procomm Plus, execute the script myscript.wax and. is an ASPECT reference manual. scroll down to Procomm Plus ASPECT.
- Here is a list of ASPECT resources. you will find some tech bulletins that contain further information on the ASPECT language. Procomm Plus and ASPECT.
- Procomm Plus Aspect Script Language Reference Manual [Intuitive Communications] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. computer.
- I am brand new to Procomm and Aspect. There was an ASPECT manual published. Be sure to browse the SAMPLES directory on your Procomm Plus 4.8 CD for.
- All about ProComm Plus: Aspect Script Language Reference Manual by Datastorm Technologies Inc.. Aspect Script Language (1). manual (1) ProComm Plus (1).
- FTP, Gopher, Mail, and News systems. Connections to the Internet can be automated using the ASPECT script language. Procomm Plus’s ASPECT programming.
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ASPECT tips and tricks. As always, if you have information to share with other ASPECT users. I will add. your tip! Click here for instructions on performing a debug.
ASPECT script and the assistance this can provide when. This ZIP file (provided by the developer of ASPECT). ASPECT- callable DLLs that can be. Be sure to browse the SAMPLES directory on your Procomm Plus 4. CD for. sample scripts, as well as the two tutorial PDF files in the SAMPLES\ASPECT.
Also be sure to read ASPECT. PDF in the DOCS directory on the CD. This file is a high- level overview of ASPECT that serves as a very good.
One final source of sample scripts is the ASPECT help file. If you right click on an ASPECT keyword in the ASPECT Editor, the discussion. ASPECT help file will be displayed.
Procomm Plus comes with several scripts, but the one of most interest is the. This is a mini- BBS with mail and file transfer capabilities. The. source code for this script is included and makes for a good reference. This. also enables you to modify the host script for your own purposes. Be sure to. backup the original files before undertaking any modifications, just in case! I. have a page with useful modifications to the host script here.
Another script that may prove useful is the Win. Link script. This script can. Procomm Plus, either via a. Windows 3. x. File Manager. Always be sure to check for the success or failure of a command before. For example, if you do not check that the. Error 5: Invalid identifier." Read this.
You can pass variables to Procomm Plus via the command line used to start. For example, the command line "C: \Program. Files\Symantec\Procomm Plus\Programs\PW5. Procomm Plus, execute the script myscript. Up to 1. 0 values may be passed in.
The. values will be placed in the global strings s. Your. script can then use the atoi, atol, or atof commands to convert the string.
Some commands may behave differently depending on what operating system you. If you experience odd results with a particular command, be sure. ASPECT help file.
Trying to convert a DOS ASPECT script using the conversion utility, but you. Load Library Failed 1. This is. due to the functionality to convert DOS scripts never being added to the. If you need to convert a DOS script to the Windows format.
You can view this Symantec knowledge base. DOS and Windows versions of. Procomm Plus. You may also wish to download this.
DOS version 2. x ASPECT scripts to the Windows version. You could then use Procomm's conversion utility to convert that. Please note that I have not used this. I only offer it as possible avenue of identifying changes that.
DOS script to the Windows format. I'm occasionally asked if it is possible to decompile a compiled ASPECT. There is no such tool to perform this function, so be careful and don't.
One common question I see is how to change the active com port via an ASPECT. Starting with version 4. Procomm Plus, the application used TAPI to.
This change. required Procomm Plus to address a connection (a modem or direct connection. To specify a particular. The format. is set modem connection "connection_name", where connection_name is. Quick Select Line at the bottom. Procomm Plus window. The double quotes around the connection name are. Another common question is if there is an ASPECT reference manual available.
Until version 3. 0, Procomm Plus shipped with a separate ASPECT manual that had. ASPECT help file. At one point, Quarterdeck did. ASPECT Script User's Guide that could be purchased. Symantec. sold this manual for a short time after purchasing Quarterdeck, but it is no. I have never seen this manual for sale elsewhere, and the.
I have does not include an ISBN number. There is a part number of. PCW4. 51. X8. 99. US on the back of the manual, which probably indicates it was.
Procomm Plus. The Windows Media Player will register the . WAX filetype that Procomm Plus uses. If you need to configure Windows to open that filetype in. Procomm Plus instead, right click on a . WAX file, select Open With from the.
Choose Program. On Windows 2. Procomm Plus. Connection Manager, check the Always use this program to open these files. OK. On Windows XP, click the Browse button, navigate to the. Programs folder under your Procomm Plus install, select PW5. EXE (or the. appropiate file if you are using an earlier version), click the Open button. Always use the selected program to open this kind of file checkbox. OK. When using the waitfor command, keep in mind that it has a default timeout.
If the string you are waiting on does not appear in the. You can increase the. FOREVER keyword to. One question I see occasionally is how to send certain (usually. ASPECT. View these help topics in the ASPECT help.
Escape Sequences, Caret Translation, and Virtual Key. Codes Table. If you try to transmit a tilde (~) in an ASPECT script, you will notice that. This is due to the tilde. Procomm Plus. You can. Options | System.
Options | System Options menu item and choosing a new value for the Pause. You can also add the RAW keyword at the end of the transmit. Kevin Smith from the. Visual Basic code that can take input. Excel spreadsheet, and then create an ASPECT script to.
You can view his document. Click here for more information if you compile. Far Calls required (use /F command line.
If you receive runtime errors 1. DOS version of Procomm Plus, try recompiling your script with the /O flag. This. turns off compiler optimizations and has been known to solve some erratic. DOS release. If this works for you, you can try removing any. O flag. If your script requires the use of dialogs or a graphical display of some.
Dialog Editor or User. Window Editor to visually create the user interface.
When you are done, you can. ASPECT code directly into your. If you are running Procomm Plus on Windows 2. XP, you should be aware. ASPECT commands do not operate properly on that platform.
These. various commands do not correctly process the directory that is used as an. Windows is. used. The first time you use one of these commands it will execute correctly.
Windows. The commands I have seen this problem with are sdlgsaveas, sdlgfopen, and dir. Another oddity I recently saw on Windows 2. XP is new Procomm Plus. Window | New Window menu item are not maximized, even. Procomm Plus window was.
To work around this problem, modify. STARTUP. WAS script by adding these two lines at the bottom, just before. PWMAINWINOne ASPECT command that is hardly documented in the ASPECT help file is the. This command can be used to place the size of a variable or.
This would be handy if you were. ASPECT's various memory- related commands and needed to know how much. The format of the operator is as such: i. Size=sizeof i. 0. When run, i. Size will be set to 4, the number of bytes that represents an. ASPECT. This command is more useful when you are dealing with.
If an array called i. Array[1. 0] was defined. Size=sizeof i. Array would return 4. If you receive Error C0. Maximum stack displacement exceeded when.
K in size. To solve this problem, define it as a global array by. If you use the set capture file command to define the name of a capture file.
Doing so. will cause the command to fail. To set the location for the capture file to be. If you are trying to create a script that automates communications with a. Script Recorder to create your script. To enable the Script. Recorder, select the Tools | Scripts | Start Recorder menu item. Procomm Plus. will now monitor all incoming data and your outgoing responses to that data.
Start performing the tasks (keyboard- based only!) that you want Procomm Plus to. Once done, select the Tools | Scripts | Stop Recorder menu item. You. will be prompted to save your recorded script; some editing of the script may. Be aware that if you dialed an entry from the Connection. Directory, then your recorded script will be attached to that entry unless you. Save As dialog. When you view your.
If all. looks well, compile your script and see if it executes as expected. To make a. recorded script more extensible, you can take a recorded script and replace. If you would like certain ASPECT commands to be run each time you launch. Procomm Plus, you can add them to STARTUP. WAS. This script is executed each.
Procomm Plus is run (unless Procomm Plus is started with the /nostartup. You can find an Excel 9. Microsoft knowledge base. It contains some information that may be useful when performing DDE operations. Excel. Thanks to Hank Campbell of the.
Another Tek- Tips members recommends viewing this. DDE. When retrieving a string from an Excel spreadsheet via DDE, be aware that. You can. use the commands strreplace sz.
Text "`n" "" and strreplace. Text "`r" "" to strip these extra characters out. If you (or another process) tries to close Procomm Plus while a script is. As you can probably surmise, this behavior would prevent the. Procomm Plus instance that is running a script. This. could cause problems if a machine needed to be restarted remotely, for.
To alleviate this situation, you can add the line set aspect. Another useful set command is set aspect control on, which.
UI. One troubleshooting trick I use when I want to check for non- printable. X%s. X" strvar to my script. If the strvar string does not contain any non- printable characters, then I. X immediately at the front and.
X right at the end. However, if I see a graphical block character or. I know I have some characters. Procomm Plus comes with an ASPECT- callable DLL called ASPTIME. DLL. This DLL. allows your script to display handy controls for users to input time and/or.
ASPTIME. TXT, located in the ASPECT directory of your Procomm Plus. DLL. Be aware that.
ASPTIME. TXT incorrectly reports 0 being returned if the user did not select the. OK button in the various controls available through ASPTIME. DLL - the correct. The ASPECT compiler can be run from a DOS window, if necessary. The compiler. name is ASPCOMPW.
EXE and it does support several command line options. View the. Command- Line Syntax topic in the ASPECT Compiler section of the ASPECT help. You can also modify Windows so that you can right click on a .