The Cafferty File – Cafferty File. By CNN's Jack Cafferty: Mitt Romney went "bold".. Paul Ryan as his running mate. Many view the Ryan pick as a game- changing one, with both Republicans and Democrats cheering Romney's choice. But it's yet to be seen if Ryan will make voters more - or less - likely to vote for Romney.
. Is McCain another George W. Bush? Story Highlights. You can also visit Jack's Cafferty File blog. NEW YORK (CNN)-- Russia invades Georgia and President Bush goes on vacation. By CNN’s Jack Cafferty. Jack Cafferty isn't here today for the Cafferty File because of some tragic news. His wife of 35 years, Carol, passed away unexpectedly this morning. Carol was everything to Jack. By CNN's Jack Cafferty: Imagine getting in your car in the morning and having it drive you to work while you answer e-mails, send text messages - or nap. Everybody's oversharing now! Here's CNN's Jack Cafferty, whose curmudgeonly heart has been lit ablaze in a way that Wolf Blitzer could never quite ma. Read Whole Story. Jack Cafferty: I Have A Crush On Michelle Obama. CNN's Jack Cafferty asked viewers of the 'Situation Room' what they thought. Here is a selection of their responses, sent in by e-mail: FULL STORY. International Edition: CNN TV: CNN International: Headline News: Transcripts. It's a mystery to many: why isn't Barack Obama farther ahead in the polls? CNN's poll of polls shows Obama up by 5 points, leading John McCain 45% to 40%. In most polls, he rarely breaks 50%. A new USA Today/Gallup.
Ryan's weaknesses are pretty evident. His budget plan of drastic spending cuts includes significant changes to Social Security and Medicare. Try selling that to elderly voters in Florida. It also gives Democrats ammunition to play on those same voters' fears, that the social programs they rely on could be threatened. Plus, Ryan has virtually no experience in the private sector - just like President Obama.
He has spent almost 1. Congress - a career politician at a time when America is sick of Washington. But - Romney's selection of Ryan also carries plenty of benefits. For starters, while voters are sick of Washington insiders, they tend to reward politicians who push for real change.. Barack Obama in 2. New Jersey's Chris Christie.
For Americans who grasp the critical nature of our skyrocketing national debt.. Ryan has a lot of appeal. And if Mitt Romney is willing to embrace even some of Ryan's ideas..
Pres. Obama won't be able to touch the GOP on government spending and deficits. Ryan is also a clear plus for the party's base, many of whom have never really liked Romney. He appeals to crucial independent voters, Catholics and women too. Most importantly, the choice of Ryan signals a clear choice for voters in November.
Without fanfare, CNN dumped Jack Cafferty, the curmudgeon who, like the network, portrayed himself as an independent but railed more often than not against conservatives.
More government versus less government. Runaway national debt versus painful fiscal responsibility. Ryan is a big gamble for Mitt Romney - but it's a bet he almost had to make. Here's my question to you: How much will Paul Ryan help Mitt Romney's chances of winning?
Tune in to "The Situation Room" at 4 p. ET to see if Jack reads your answer on the air.
And we'd love to know where you're writing from, so please include your city and state with your comment.